Going from the photo to the first sketch

2 August 2023

Going from the photo to the first sketch is an important step in determining the composition and basic layout of the painted picture. From the motif search in Palma I chose a picture of a narrow alley in the old town.

KL Gasse Palma edited

This is an intriguing theme! A narrow alley in the old town of Palma can offer a rich atmosphere and an interesting composition.

The sketch doesn’t have to be perfect, it just serves as the basis for my painting. It gives me an idea of ​​what the painting will look like before I go deeper into painting.

kl skizze palma 1

As you can see, it’s important to get the proportions right and the perspective vanishing point, the point where all lines converge.

In the next blog I will keep you informed about the progress of my painting.

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