Paintings according to your wishes

Reproductions of paintings
Commission your favorite painting by a famous artist and enjoy it every day, without losing any of the magic of the original.
Paintings to order
Pictures according to your wishes – portraits of people and pets, from the photo or art print, your favorite vacation picture or completely according to your individual wishes.
You can also commission a painting that is no longer available on the website, but you like. Here, too, a proportional adjustment of the size is possible.
You are welcome to commission paintings differently that suits your particular taste, in pencil or charcoal, chalk pastel, watercolor, acrylic, acrylic with oil or oil. I will try to be as close to the original as possible. Please remember that this is a handmade work and a unique piece, and therefore can never be a hundred percent copy.
Custom paintings

Free consulting
If you have any difficulties with image selection, possible orders or questions, please feel free to contact me.
Ideas & Tips
You can get different tips and ideas from me, such as:
– for pencil / charcoal, watercolor or pastel I recommend a museum glass to frame, which does not reflect and thus reflects all the beauty of the image.
– You should keep in mind that oil paints dry more slowly, and it is advisable to wait until the paint is completely dry before framing the picture or shipping it.
For more advice, feel free to contact me.
Framing of paintings

Frame your pictures
Any image purchased on this website can be framed according to your wishes!
This is a matter of personal preference. For most motifs, the frame gives an authentic and finished look. However, more and more art galleries are exhibiting contemporary works without frames.
Indoor solutions

For your new home
The time has come for you to furnish your new flat. It’s almost perfect, with the beautiful new furniture to your taste, but something is still missing: the finishing touches to bring life and charm to the bare walls!
This is definitely not an easy task and I can help you with it.
My paintings will brighten up your home and create a positive mood. Isn’t that a great start for any new home?
Contact me with any questions via the contact form.